04/09/2021 / By Lance D Johnson
United Airlines is looking to radically transform the company by eliminating thousands of white men from the cockpit. To United Airlines, it doesn’t matter how committed, qualified or skilled a potential pilot candidate is. When deciding who to hire and who to train to fly their planes, it all comes down to fulfilling diversity quotas on gender and skin color. United no longer provides an equal opportunity for people of all backgrounds, gender, and race. They are looking to discriminate against potential candidates if they are white or male.
“Over the next decade, United will train 5,000 pilots who will be guaranteed a job with United, after they complete the requirements of the Aviate program,” said United CEO Scott Kirby. “And our plan is for half of them to be women and people of color.”
To become a pilot, there were never racial or gender barriers in the first place, so why is United Airlines suddenly shaming white men and removing them using racist hiring programs?
Under the guise of diversity, United Airlines is instituting a truly RACIST AND SEXIST hiring and training policy that should be condemned. United cannot be considered an equal opportunity employer if they are intentionally pushing white men out of the workforce as if they are a plague.
Instead of hiring the best candidate for the job, United Airlines wants to appear inclusive and diverse. Will these gender and race-based quotas put passenger safety at risk? On their website, United advertises the pilot program as “diverse and inclusive” and says you can “get into Aviate in as little as 2 months by training at United Aviate Academy.”
Over the next ten years, United and Chase Morgan will spend 2.4 million to locate and train pilots only if they are Latino, African American, woman or Asian. United will work with the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals, Sisters of the Skies, the Latino Pilots Association and the Professional Asian Pilots Association to ensure the company meets their multi-racial and multi-gendered quotas. When a company sets a quota like this, over time, skills training and job performance becomes less important as the workforce gets tunnel vision on the quota and prioritizes the quota above all else. If performance is compromised in the airline industry, it is passenger safety that gets sacrificed.
Diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) is a new term to describe racism toward white men. United Airlines states they will make DEI a part of their company’s DNA. United said they will put “diversity at the forefront.”
“Today, United has one of the most diverse pilot populations of any U.S. carrier with nearly 20% of our pilot group made up of women and people of color. We are working toward raising that number even higher by partnering with diversity-led organizations and continuing to remove gender and racial barriers.”
According to United, people with white skin are now considered a racial barrier in the aviation industry and men are considered a gender barrier for potential pilot candidates. There is no evidence that there were racial or gender barriers to begin with! This routine shaming of white men in the workplace and targeted removal of white men is a powerful racist conspiracy, depraved and deprived of human dignity.
United confirmed their commitment to racists hiring policies: “And we’re going one step further with plans for 50% of United Aviate Academy students being women and people of color to ensure our students reflect the diversity of the customers and communities we serve.”
For more on the growing corporate racism and sexism trend, read RaceWar.News.
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Tagged Under: aircraft, airline, airline safety, anti-white, aviation, BIPOC, Collapse, discrimination, diversity quotas, gender quotas, inequality, left cult, Libtards, merit, Performance, pilots, public safety, race quotas, race war, racism, Sexism, skill, stupid, transportation, virtue signal