News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
WATCH as Wayne Allyn Root lays groundwork for building pro-America, pro-liberty PARALLEL ECONOMY
The United States is in the midst of what you might describe as a proxy civil war right now with the left wing constantly fighting the right wing in not only politics but also business. So-called “woke” corporations are now pushing their values on the masses while conservatives fight from their side to funnel more […]
By Ethan Huff
University of Utah Medical School paying “woke” speakers tens of thousands weekly to indoctrinate students with “ideology”
At its “diversity” week last fall, the University of Utah Medical School (UUMS) spent tens of thousands of dollars on white-hating speakers who were brought in to lecture students about “ethics in healthcare.” Even as companies all across corporate America are laying off thousands of “diversity, equity and inclusion” (DEI) hires, UUMS is funneling wads […]
By Ethan Huff
Learn more about former CIA agent Renee DiResta, leader of the U.S. government’s censorship industry
Ever since Donald Trump was elected president in 2016, the powers that be have been whining and complaining about the need for more censorship to stop “foreign election influence” and “disinformation.” Well, it turns out that the government itself is the worst election influencer there is. Since December, a growing number of journalists, analysts, and […]
By Ethan Huff
Washington state spends millions of taxpayer dollars buying three-year supply of abortion pills
In anticipation of a possible nationwide ban on the abortion drug mifepristone, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee ordered the state’s Department of Corrections to buy up a three-year supply of the baby-killing pharmaceutical using state tax dollars, we have learned. Inslee first issued the directive to place the order last month, according to a government statement. […]
By Ethan Huff
Just 18% of voters in Berlin supported failed 2030 climate neutrality referendum
Despite spending more than a million euros on city-wide advertisements and other propaganda, left-wing extremists in Berlin were unable to gain the support they needed to pass a global warming bill called “Berlin Climate Neutrality by 2030.” We are told that the “yes” side of the referendum fell hugely short of the 608,000 in quorum […]
By Ethan Huff
Anthropology professor denies physical science, laughably insists there’s no way to tell gender from human bones
Is there any way to tell from human skeletal remains whether the person was male or female? Up until recently, the answer to that question from the scientific community would have been a resounding of course! In the age of LGBT delusion, however, the answer has become not exactly. According to Dr. Gabby Yearwood, a […]
By Ethan Huff
New Zealand activist Posie Parker attacked with tomato soup, water and placards for saying that only real females are women
The cult of transgender delusion nearly murdered a woman this week for stating publicly that a biological male is not, and can never be, a “woman.” Women’s rights activist Posie Parker appeared in New Zealand’s Albert Park to deliver a speech about what it means to be a woman. Citing biology and science, Parker clarified, […]
By Ethan Huff
UK still pushing covid booster shots in expensive, state-sponsored self-harm initiative
There appears to be no end to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” and “booster” campaigns in the United Kingdom, where the public is still being pushed to take shot after shot after shot despite prolific evidence that the injections are deadly. The campaign is so aggressive and unrelenting that Member of Parliament Andrew Bridgen gave […]
By Ethan Huff
Check out this BIG list of “woke” companies to boycott
In case you have not noticed, the United States and much of the West has been taken over by corporations, many of them multinational, that have embraced “woke” ideologies that are inherently anti-American. And someone put together a giant list of boycott targets based on questionable corporate actions that were taken in recent years. Many […]
By Ethan Huff
Serving up HATE in your breakfast cereal: Kellogg’s gave $91 million to Black Lives Matter that carried out coercion campaigns across America
As the company’s employees were struggling to make ends meet during the manufactured Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “pandemic,” American cereal giant Kellogg’s was busy pledging $91 million in donations to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement that destroyed the country following the George Floyd psy-op. A new database from the conservative Claremont Institute reveals that Kellogg’s […]
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