News & Articles By Cassie B.
By Cassie B.
Sierra Club says you’re RACIST if you don’t agree with “climate change” mythology
Climate change alarmists can’t really fight against science, so they’ve stooped to some old-fashioned name-calling instead. Now, if you don’t believe the climate change mythology, it must mean you’re racist, according to the Sierra Club. Yes, you read that correctly. The long-standing environmental group has been latching onto a study that claims there is a […]
By Cassie B.
YouTube goes to war with natural medicine as tech giant starts BANNING video channels for talking about herbal remedies
Naturopathy often gets ignored by doctors and the mainstream media, but people can learn about natural medicine thanks to independent news sites like Natural News. One place you won’t be able to hear about people’s successes with alternative treatments, however, is the increasingly corrupt YouTube, which has now taken to banning video channels that dare […]
By Cassie B.
LEFT CULT: California wants to replace President’s Day with a communist holiday
Just when you thought California couldn’t get any crazier, a misguided lawmaker in the state has introduced a bill to drop individual celebrations for George Washington and Abraham Lincoln’s birthdays and make International Workers’ Day a paid holiday. This outrageous bill was conceived by Miguel Santiago, a California Democrat Assemblyman. It would see the separate […]
By Cassie B.
After destroying the financial solvency of their home states, Californians and New Yorkers look to flee somewhere else (that they can ruin next)
New tax rules are poised to spur a mass exodus from states like New York and California – places that are already struggling to hold on to residents. In the last ten years alone, around 3.5 million people have left these high-tax states in favor of lower-tax states like Florida and Texas. According to a […]
By Cassie B.
Along with California “criminalizing” the Bible, Google is now banning ads from Christian publishing companies
Google has a frightening amount of control over the internet, and although one of their past mottos was “Don’t be evil,” they seem to have a different set of rules when it comes to dealing with Christians and conservatives. The firm recently informed the CEO of Concordia Publishing House, Bruce Kintz, that they were banning […]
By Cassie B.
Women’s march organizers plan a national walkout for gun control – during Spring Break
On Wednesday, March 14, a national school walkout is being organized by the people behind the Women’s March on Washington, D.C. On this occasion, they’ll be capitalizing on the recent school shooting that took place in Parkland, Florida, in the hopes that they can funnel people’s understandably emotional reactions to the tragedy into a push […]
By Cassie B.
Now we’re told pregnant women shouldn’t be referred to as “she” – new medical language guidelines claim it’s disrespectful
If you’re in the room with a woman giving birth, it’s always a good idea to make her feel as comfortable as possible. You want to talk soothingly to keep her stress down, but a new guide published in the British Medical Journal that the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists in the UK plans […]
By Cassie B.
WTF? California animal shelter to put all dogs on VEGAN diet… because liberals think all dogs are vegans for some reason
For many people, dogs are one of the first animals that come to mind when someone mentions carnivores, so why is one California animal shelter hoping to put all its dogs on a vegan diet? That’s right – the Los Angeles City Board of Animal Services Commissioners are currently mulling a proposal that would turn […]
By Cassie B.
Lacking any real job skills, broke millennials are now donating blood plasma as a routine source of income
Being a millennial is tough, even though they are by and large considered to be a rather sheltered generation. Although they’re bright in some respects, many aren’t quite as prepared for the real world as they should be. Some of it is out of their control as they face crushing student loans and stagnating wages, […]
By Cassie B.
Detroit farmer’s market boycotts local apple orchard owner for believing in Christianity
This week, a federal judge in Michigan heard arguments in the case of a Catholic apple farmer who is challenging a city ordinance in East Lansing, and a ruling is expected soon. The farmer, Steve Tennes, is the owner of Country Mill Farms, which is located in the nearby town of Charlotte. Tennes and his […]
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