Carleton University in Canada has recently removed the scale from the school gym because some students had complained that its …
The opposition and outright hatred of President Donald J. Trump by many on the Alt-Left has led to one violent …
The American Civil Liberties Union is working overtime to convince a whole lot of Americans that somehow they lost most …
Not one to shy away from letting Americans know how he feels about any particular subject, President Donald J. Trump …
The modern day feminist movement has embarrassed itself one too many times. Whether its refusing to show up for work …
It’s not exactly a secret that Barack Obama’s administration was replete with radicals, extremists, and far left ideologues. His Secretaries …
Federal law, legal precedent, and the Constitution divide U.S. foreign policy powers between the Executive and Legislative branches. It grants …
Americans anxious about the new Republican plan to begin repealing and replacing Obamacare are going to be treated to a …
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., has taken his personal feud with President Donald J. Trump to a new level, publicly challenging …
What President Donald J. Trump and his administration have accomplished in merely getting elected is stunning in and of itself. …
A man with a backpack managed to scale the White House fence Friday night while President Donald J. Trump was …
There is something extremely ironic about liberals who infiltrate Trump rallies while simultaneously comparing the President to Adolph Hitler. The …
One of two meeting that U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions had with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak was orchestrated by the …
Some observers from afar say President Donald J. Trump made a serious error in judgment when he agreed not to …