By S.D. Wells
Department of Education was WEAPONIZED under Biden to attack, fine and bankrupt religious schools across America
Not only does the Biden Regime despise all things religious, but they have gone to the extreme of trying to bankrupt and shut down faith-based schools across the nation, using the Department of Education as a financial weapon to fine these education hubs for hundreds of thousands of dollars each, in many instances. According to […]
By Ethan Huff
Not just public schools: Ohio PRIVATE school reports mothers to FBI for questioning leftist curriculum
Amy Gonzalez and Andrea Gross are suing Columbus Academy in Ohio for launching a retaliation campaign against them following complaints they made about the private school’s leftist curriculum. According to reports, Columbus Academy reported Gonzalez and Gross to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), calling them “dangerous to the health and wellbeing of the entire […]
By JD Heyes
Racist Rutgers professor calls for an ‘end date’ for whites, claims they are a race of ‘villains’ in disgusting rant
If the administrators of Rutgers University had a shred of integrity — and they apparently don’t — they would have already fired a black professor after she essentially called for the white race to be eliminated. In a vile, disgusting rant on an all-black podcast, “The Root,” Prof. Brittney Cooper, who actually teaches classes in women’s and […]
By News Editors
Oklahoma bans Critical Race Theory — Teacher QUITS in response
Apparently, certain public educators cannot handle the prospect of not being allowed to divide students on the basis of skin color! A schoolteacher in Norman, Oklahoma named Summer Boismier officially resigned from the local public school system after she was put on leave for violating the state’s ban on critical race theory. (Article by Darian […]
By JD Heyes
National School Boards Association CONSPIRED with Biden’s White House to craft “domestic terrorism” letter that resulted in FBI, DOJ targeting parents
The Biden regime is picking up right where Barack Obama’s regime left off, fully weaponizing an already compromised deep state apparatus to target American political opponents. Obama weaponized the Justice Department, the IRS, the EPA, the NSA and the BATF; so far, Joe Biden is starting with the Justice Department and the FBI. In late […]
By JD Heyes
Pharma retailer CVS tells employees complaining about critical race theory they are racists who need to shut up
For decades, beginning in the late 1960s-early 1970s, critical race theory was an obscure hypothesis limited to academia, but in recent years it has been increasingly introduced into American society, exploited by the Marxist left as a means of dividing — and conquering — our society. In the months following the George Floyd murder, left-wing hacks […]
By Cassie B.
Don’t miss Jonathan Emord’s Critical Race Theory event, livestreaming on Brighteon Tuesday evening
If you are concerned about critical race theory being pushed on your children at school or your workplace has been engaging in critical race theory brainwashing, you won’t want to miss the special event being held tomorrow in Fairfax, Virginia, and livestreamed for free on Brighteon TV. The Authoritarians & Critical Race Theory by Jonathan […]
By Ethan Huff
NEA goes full Marxist: American school teachers say they will teach anti-white CRT agenda regardless of laws
The National Education Association (NEA), America’s largest teachers’ union, has decided that public school indoctrinators will, in fact, be teaching “critical race theory” (CRT) to students, even if the law prohibits it. At its recent Annual Meeting and Representative Assembly, the NEA adopted Business Item 39, which states that the “USA’s economy / social order […]
By JD Heyes
Critical race theory is just anti-White racism, repackaged to brainwash an entire generation into growing up as racist BIGOTS filled with hatred
American Marxists are not much different than Western Marxists in that they, too, seek to tear down our existing republican-style democracy and replace it with their much more authoritarian model of government. But instead of strictly following Karl Marx’s model of dividing populations by class, American Marxists are using our multiracial, multicultural society to divide […]
By News Editors
With critical race theory back in vogue, legal activists take counteroffensive to courts
During the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, moderator Chris Wallace asked the then-president why he had signed an executive order ending “racial-sensitivity training” for federal agencies that addressed “white privilege and critical race theory.” (Article by Sophie Mann republished from Trump responded that he did so because the programs were “racist.” He argued […]
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