voter registration
By JD Heyes
Legal group warns 11 California counties: Clean up your voter registration rolls or face federal lawsuit
A Washington, D.C.-based legal and government watchdog organization has threatened to file a federal lawsuit against the state of California and 11 of its counties because it says they have more registered voters than their population warrants. According to a press release from Judicial Watch, the group sent a notice-of-violation letter to the Golden State […]
By JD Heyes
Florida election official being sued over suspicious registration rate as more evidence supports Trump’s claim of widespread voter fraud
For months after President Donald J. Trump claimed he likely would have also won the popular vote in November had it not been for “millions” of illegal ballots being cast, Democrats and far-Left media mouthpieces have ridiculed him repeatedly, claiming the evidence for his claims doesn’t exist. And yet, after he formed his voter fraud […]
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